Brian Ondov, Ph.D.

I'm a computer scientist with a range of research interests and experience, including Natural Language Processing, Human-Computer Interaction, and Computational Biology. I earned my Ph.D. from University of Maryland College Park and currently hold a fellowship appointment at the National Library of Medicine, where I work on automatic consumerization of biomedical text using deep neural models.

I have worked on highly cited publications, given talks at top-tier conferences, acted as a peer reviewer for journals like Nature and Bioinformatics, served as a Data Science Mentor at the NIH, and guest lectured at UMD.

Outside of research, I enjoy playing the occasional gig as a guitarist/vocalist and teaching as a Yoga Alliance RYT® 200 Registered Yoga Teacher.


ML Machine Learning  •  NLP Natural Language Processing  •  CB Computational Biology  •  IV Information Visualization  •  GIS Geographic Information Systems